Hello, I am

Richo Napitupulu

Welcome to my personal website. Please visit and contact if you want to cooperate.

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Web Developer

Web Developer

Web Developer

Web Developer

About Me

Hi, I`m Here To Help Your Next Projek!

I've been passionate about web development since 2019. My pleasure in website development is one part of my journey, with an informatics education background. Some of the opportunities I went through in website development made me more confident.

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My Services

Web Development

Information technology is one of today's strategies that help in industrial competition in the world.

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Content Writer

Interesting words are things that can attract someone's attention, being a freelance content writer is an interesting choice for me.

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Lates Project


web-based regional potential system.


Portfolio Website Design

Web Design

Designing the Login Form Using FIGMA

Web Design

Designing the Registrasi Form Using FIGMA

Web Design

Designing the Login Form Using FIGMA

Valuable Testimonial

Siska Rehulina

Senang Bekerja sama dalam pembuatan website pada projek tugas akhir saya, semoga dengan pengalaman ini dapat menjadi kerja sama yang baik. Terimakasih

Notebook Store

Terimakasih atas pembuatan sistem aplikasi penjualan, semoga dengan aplikasi ini mempermudah saya dalam memperkenalkan produk dan jasa saya kepada orang


Terimakasih kak, semoga bisa bekerja sama lagi dan mendapatkan potongan harga lagi hehe, akhirnya saya bisa selesai tepat waktu dari kuliah saya

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